The lord giveth the mice taketh away, I had only a few days ago put some pea seeds out in a drain pipe, and on opening the greenhouse today found everyone had been snaffled away. Plan B for the peas now, start them at home and bring them later onto the allotment.
Today was a day of potter, our lass hoed one half of the allotment, and between us we set out the scaffold boards so we had walkways and beds set out. It really does help bring forward that the season is almost upon us and it helps to bring into reality what you have thought out as ideas. Just can't wait to actually grow stuff now.
Our lass bakes some great biscuits |
Hoed and ready to go |
Almost ready, and yes you do really need to stake the corners in of the bed. |
Wildlife camera had been out for three days, and it's always great to capture any birds in flight |
'it helps to bring into reality what you have thought out as ideas' That'll be plans then... ;)