Showing posts with label wildlife area. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildlife area. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Allotments can help you grow yourself, not just fruit and veg.

There has been a few weeks since the last blog post, not because we haven't been down to the allotment but because you do discover that sometimes it is not all about look at me look at what we have done, please give me your approval by liking what I post or write about. This allotment is for me and our lass, whether or not someone else approves or not, likes or dislikes it is for us and we do what we do.

You do however have to love/like what you are doing, with the long dry spell we have had been through recently and frosts over night it became increasingly difficult to do this. Mental health is something which is mentioned a lot in regards to gardening and the ability to get out has been of a great help to me and our lass. There is however another side you have to fight with and that fight is mostly with yourself. You invest a lot of thought and emotion into what you grow, to see it wither, not germinate, bolt or basically not do what it should, can be a source of immense frustration which may lead depending on how you are yourself to a depressive thought process.

"These are easy to grow" is something you will hear or read depending on how you take in your gardening information, those words echo in the back of your mind as you look upon a bedraggled array of seedlings or a eight by four seed tray and only three seem to have germinated and you are sure after six weeks something should have come out of the other pods. It can be frustrating with all the positive vibes of getting yourself out being drowned by the negativity of what have I done wrong? You see weeds seemingly making their way through concrete but your easy to grow seeds can't make it out of the module because it is too wet, to dry, to warm, to cold, not enough light, too much light. So if it is not the seed it must be the grower, what is wrong with me? Especially if they are so easy to grow as everyone else states.

This is where you grow yourself, you learn to say "Well, we are doing our best, what will be will be" we have also said "This is our first full year on the plot so lets see what happens" both statements you repeat as a mantra but are difficult to square up with the withering or non existent seedlings you are looking over. But the past few days have improved emotionally with the improvement in the weather. Heat is slowly coming back into the days and we ain't going to shout this too loudly but we think this is the last of the frosts until winter comes around again.

A lot of what we have been doing over the past few weeks is triaging the allotment but we have as you will see from the photographs below moved forward in certain areas, but the biggest move forward is within ourselves.

The wire mesh was a free find from another allotment, bottle tops to help the birds not crash into it, now here is hoping the sweetpeas make their way upwards
The wild flowers/life area, our lass has put a seed bomb over the uncovered ground and support for the clematis all we need now is flowers.
Early purple sprouting broccoli has been a bowl of contention for our lass, when do you put it out? But the seedlings have several leaves, so our lass has put it out now, this is a slow burner and if the weather, pests or nature in general doesn't have for it, we could have some broccoli next spring.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Day 60 - Do two warm days make it springtime?

We have now experienced two warm days in a row, it must be spring? mustn't it? Everything is taking hold and starting to grow, especially the weeds. All seeds and young seedlings always seem moments away from an intensive care ward for plants. The few exceptions presently is one lot of potatoes in a bucket and our lasses lettuces which haven't been potted on yet. The leeks and other seedlings are doing well, but we still have to take care, although our lass takes a lot more care than I do, the leeks were going to leave the warm greenhouse and be put outside, where our lass said they should really go in the cold frame. You will see from the pictures below that our lasses patience won out which of course was the sensible action to be taken.

Yesterday also saw our lass fall into the trap of starting one thing and the job turn into another, looking to find a place to plant a plant in the wildlife area meant digging out the grass and nettles that had returned, this then turned into a bigger area, until a third of the area is now dug over. Our lass does like digging though, our lasses next plan is to put down more wildlife seeds and hopefully they will outperform the grass and the weeds.

I did sedentary jobs yesterday being full of what we believe is hayfever/tree pollen, so I put an arch together and started an obelisk but needed tools to finish. But much like starting a job and it developing into something bigger, or going to do one job and doing another, the arch was being built to go over a climbing rose and is now instead positioned over the front gate, if proof was ever needed you don't really have plans just thoughts.

the plant to the right of the end log by the pond is what started of the digging
Leeks moving on into the cold frame
Our lass will be getting a clematis to climb up the arch hopefully
Peas in a bucket in our greenhouse starting to make their way up the canes
Wish them luck but three peas have been put out by the pea sticks, the back two rows have pea seed in the ground, no disturbance but no signs of seedlings either.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Day 40 Dig, Dog, Do.

I know a lot of the time is where I write Our allotment, but today I truly felt like it was our lasses allotment. Our lass did a lot of work today and all I did was barrow some wood chippings up the hill. Now I ain't fishing for credit, just in awe of our lass. 

The dog rose is all in place, and for an added touch our lass noticed some tree trunk/thick branch sections from a well established tree. So I brought them up with the wood chippings and our lass edged the area as you can see in the photographs below. The trench from yesterday was lined with blood fish and bone, the dog roses were then bedded in with compost mixed with grit. We also got a bonus as it seems someone from where got them from couldn't count to ten as we got eleven. Must have been a one more for luck.

Then when our lass had finished planting the dog rose, the potato bed was her next target and with the flash of a spade the lazy worms had the straw part of the manure turned over bringing it closer to them, so this will help more rot down for next month. 

I did also do a drain pipe of peas, in between the trips up and down the hill with the barrow and swept. but the star for today was our lass.

How this area used to look

And how it looks today

Our lass will be happy when the dog roses have grown up to cover the fence and block out the blue.

Can our lass dig it, yes she can.
