Showing posts with label Paths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paths. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Day 34 - Last of the raspberries arrive and just one more thing before we go.

 Today was slightly different, normally we get to the allotment and what we planned to do is superseded by another job because we see manure, leaf mould or wood chip on the way to our allotment. This then means that job takes priority and we then get on with what we originally went to do. This was the reverse today, our lass finally got to plant some raspberry canes which have took a second time of asking for them to arrive. I collected the wildlife camera (disappointed as the damp weather has foggied the lense) and our lass put some feed out for the birds. It was a cold day, so it was back off to the warm. 

Just as we were leaving a car which had been parked had left, which revealed a pile of fresh bark chippings. Which meant from impromptu return to the allotment. I grabbed the spade and barrow and our lass her trusty rake. We now have a fresh layer on the pathway, which makes it look neater and helps level out the bumps and hollows in the path.

Out next big job is the our lasses green house roof, first of all we need to find a way to fix it, also needs a calm and clear day, guess we can count them using two fingers between now and next spring.

Last of the canes in, gritted for drainage, lets hope they fruit in the future.



A little bark chipping between the compost and the blueberries/logan berries

Looking sharper, it was starting to get muddy especially with sorting the compost bins out.

Our lass said I had earned my Kit Kat

Noticed the fungi on the bottom of an old tree stump we have

Next job, answers on a postcard, on how to fix?

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Day 26 - We only went to plant a rose, just look at what we did.

That is the beauty it seems of going to the allotment, you go with one job in mind, and end up doing something completely different. This morning our lass finally received through the post her bare root shrub rose bush. So the plan, was to to plant the rose bush and some bulbs. We forgot the bulbs, we did take some compost, so our lass started on the hole for the rose bush and I as usual got distracted by something else (onions-see next blog post)

Whilst doing the rose bush, which needed a soak before planting our lass moved onto having a go at the muddle puddle we have had. Next thing you know, we are laying a path. So jobs done, rose planted, new-new path laid, onions covered. Happy day all round.

They do say when digging a hole for a rose bush to make sure it is free of obstructions, this was the boulder found at the bottom of the hole.

Rose bush in place

Compost ready for the bulbs we forgot, and much to our lasses amusement I swept the fake grass.

The new new path

New path a differing angle

Onions covered, to stop the birds getting confused

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day 19 - A new path and no more corn.

When you take on an allotment, you will find that you have growing whatever the person had before, when we took over the half allotment we inherited leeks and chard, we also got raspberries and strawberries which we have brought up to this allotment, unfortunately it wasn't the right time of year to move rhubarb. We ourselves left potatoes and leeks which weren't ready to harvest and some very nice marigolds. On this allotment we did inherit two apple trees and two pear trees which were great, but we also had sweetcorn, parsnips and Brussel sprouts. One thing we had many times before much like on our last allotment was how good the previous tenant was, Our lass said "It's much like they have died and no one wants to speak bad of them" You always being told how fertile the land is, well you still want to make your mark, so removing the old crops does that final removal of the old person which is needed.

In other news, I laid a path to the compost bin number two and three. I laid it, so expect issues in the future.

One of three bunches of marigolds we left at the old plot.

Day 18 - The day I potted on weeds

We all have to do a daft thing in life, and mine was to pot up weeds. I had a few weeks ago tried to grow cauliflower from seed, a little late but thought that now we had a green house I could if need be put them in there, or simply see what happens. The pots were initial left at home outside, and I presume weed seed had blown onto them and germinated where the cauliflowers hadn't at first glance you couldn't tell the difference, but later on they soon became recognisable as weeds, they have since been composted. Our lass also removed more carpet. One day we will be rid of carpet. On the last photograph you will see a dark patch at the end of the path and in front of the greenhouse, this has been remedied by putting some carpet back, but it may well turn into a bigger job, of digging it up either extending the slab path or stone/sand underneath then bark. Watch this space.

Day 14 Paving the way and don't fence us in

We made great strides today, and the photographs show a great change of how the allotment was really starting to become ours, There are certain moments and this is when I think we both decided we had made enough of a mark. Our lass had seen an article online of how to rework the old hose pipe so now using it as a boundary, the bark chippings got extended passed the greenhouses, which helped alleviate the worry of us falling or tripping into them. We removed an old dividing fence and completed compost bin number 2 and 3.

Differing Paths - Before and After

This is our lasses finest work, I moved the slabs about, but when it came to laying the slabs our lass sorted things. It is a fantastic transformation I feel. But also shows how the allotment has changed as well. Not bad in only 12 days on the allotment.

* It has been brought to my attention that where I said "Our lass sorted things" What I meant to write was "Our Lass laid each slab, whilst preparing the ground and ensuring it was level" 

Our lass did a grand job.

Day 12, The path to success and other jobs.

Well Day 11 might have been a light news day, Day 12 certainly made up for it. The biggest change was the path. It had been as with everything formed on a bed of carpet, The choice, and we are still grappling with it now, is whether to stop where we have done or continue quite a way bit more down to the shed and passed the greenhouses. We had glass to clear by the compost bin, at the back of the green house, as a few pains had just been left where they had broken, the greenhouse was cleared and this time all the ground was covered in bark chippings as the ground had a mixture of slabs and carpet. with a work bench which must have been constructed inside or with greenhouse built around it. Then we have more of the compost bin number 2 and 3 construction underway.

Day 2 down at the allotment.

Our lasses digging knows no bounds as more bind weed is taken up, it was something our lass wanted to get on top of before it got out of control. You will see in the second photograph where the path has gone to from the third photograph, we also inherited a couple of apple trees and lots, and lots, and lots, and did I mention lots of carpet.