Showing posts with label Numbered Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Numbered Day. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Day 62 - Dealing with allotment inertia.

 This seems to be a difficult feeling to describe and all the words available seem to be negative which is the one thing I do not want to be. This is why inertia seemed to be the closest word to encapsulate the situation as I see it at the moment.

"inertia" definition in the field of physics

"A property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force."

We have seen great change in our allotment since taking over in August and it seemed with each visit this could be viewed, photographed and posted here, but over the past month or so, the changes have been far less noticeable and as with the definition of the word "inertia" above we await the external force of nature to change this state.

Our lass however is never inert and as you can see from the photographs below there is a greenhouse full of seedlings ready to make a difference to the allotment.

In my small part and having our lass as inspiration and the allotment as purpose I continue to increase my handy skills. We now have three more raised beds which can be moved around in the years to come, these will help for defined areas for our lasses flowers.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Day 61 - Ability to time travel required.

There is a saying "That a society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they will never sit under". Now we have no plans to pop our clogs anytime soon, but you do have to plan for the future. Currently our rhubarb won't be ready to harvest for another year as you can only start picking on the second year. You will see in the photograph below we have erected another archway, but the climbing rose which grows underneath will take around three years to reach full height and probably five to make the full arch. So it's all about time travel, you let yourself go into the future and envisage what will be, it certainly helps as you look at the bare ground before you. These photographs here will also help us time travel back into the past, when our efforts are rewarded when we can say "Look what it used to be like"

Our lass is forever a happy digger and the last two potato beds are being prepared, they say you should have soil like cake crumbs, ours is currently like rock cakes.

Preparing for the future

Last two potato beds being prepared

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Day 60 - Do two warm days make it springtime?

We have now experienced two warm days in a row, it must be spring? mustn't it? Everything is taking hold and starting to grow, especially the weeds. All seeds and young seedlings always seem moments away from an intensive care ward for plants. The few exceptions presently is one lot of potatoes in a bucket and our lasses lettuces which haven't been potted on yet. The leeks and other seedlings are doing well, but we still have to take care, although our lass takes a lot more care than I do, the leeks were going to leave the warm greenhouse and be put outside, where our lass said they should really go in the cold frame. You will see from the pictures below that our lasses patience won out which of course was the sensible action to be taken.

Yesterday also saw our lass fall into the trap of starting one thing and the job turn into another, looking to find a place to plant a plant in the wildlife area meant digging out the grass and nettles that had returned, this then turned into a bigger area, until a third of the area is now dug over. Our lass does like digging though, our lasses next plan is to put down more wildlife seeds and hopefully they will outperform the grass and the weeds.

I did sedentary jobs yesterday being full of what we believe is hayfever/tree pollen, so I put an arch together and started an obelisk but needed tools to finish. But much like starting a job and it developing into something bigger, or going to do one job and doing another, the arch was being built to go over a climbing rose and is now instead positioned over the front gate, if proof was ever needed you don't really have plans just thoughts.

the plant to the right of the end log by the pond is what started of the digging
Leeks moving on into the cold frame
Our lass will be getting a clematis to climb up the arch hopefully
Peas in a bucket in our greenhouse starting to make their way up the canes
Wish them luck but three peas have been put out by the pea sticks, the back two rows have pea seed in the ground, no disturbance but no signs of seedlings either.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Day 59 - Gone in a badgers twinkle

 Day 59, is actually 6 days after our last full day of day 58. We do go up in between watering and tinkering but we only write about the full days we spend down our allotment.

This day, was dahlia day, our lass potted up all the Dahlias which had been sourced. Now, if confirmation was needed that I mishear our lass it came when our lass talked about the names given to the Dahlias. I would have staked good money that there was Dahlia called "Beavers twinkle" it turns out that it was a Badgers twinkle, maybe it is the forever small boy which occupies a blokes mind, but I sniggered.

This was also the first exposure for the garden hose, it had been put away for the winter to save the frosts freezing the pipes also you don't get to do much more watering than a watering can during the cooler month, but it is another sign that spring has sprung.

We also sorted out the wooden fencing which we had been given, you will see from the before and after photographs below, we have managed to bring some definition to the area, even though there was fencing at the back of the wildlife garden part, it left us feeling exposed this is hopefully remedied now.

One thing we are fighting with now, is our own minds, the allotment still looks bare, what is in the greenhouse seems to always be on the edge of existence. One wrong look and it will whither whilst weeds are popping up all over the place, no matter how much you chop and hoe. Having an allotment is very much a religious experience you have to have faith.

Just a few of our lasses Dahlias which have been potted up.
Wood, lots of wood.
After, and looking just right for a break time.
looking good in our lasses greenhouse
Busy both sides of our lasses greenhouse

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Day 58 - Windy Allotment, little wind in our sails.

Of all the weather conditions we face up at the allotment, I think wind is one of the most demoralising. Rain can nourish the ground, cold can break up the soil and even a dull dank day means you just potter and await the sun. But wind always leaves you in a double job mode, it isn't just doing the work you want to do, but then you have to tie everything down you wish to use which helps with the activity. Forget, and you can be chasing down the allotment for your hat or worse still picking up a broken pot or lifting a pallet off a bed which fell over for that split second you thought "Oh it will be safe.......".

Sweetcorn needs the wind for pollination, or at least a breeze, you also need it for your metaphorical sails. But when it goes calm in your world this also can be disheartening, (take lots of photographs so you can cheer yourself up with the difference you have made) this also happened today whilst doing the day to day jobs of getting the allotment ready, our lass can see all her seedlings trying to grow, but viewing them day on day you see very little difference, the only difference really shows when one of them takes a dive. The same happens in my greenhouse, growth seems gradual, declines seems instant. (Weeds seem spontaneous) The leeks which were my second attempt have been growing slowly and have finally had to be moved to a shelf below as their tops were touching the green house roof (they were on the top shelf) So where visible growth was not seen it must have happened and did hearten me a little. This is where televisual gardeners don't help, the "here is one I made earlier" or "I had sown these three months ago, just look at them now" gives the impression of instant success, they rarely mention failures and rarely do week by week reports on growing vegetables or flowers, at most you have three or four stages. So as all we have to view is the slowly growing seedlings, if they have decided to germinate, you are holding onto a lot of hope that all will end fruitfully.
A pleasant surprise for our lass, someone on the allotment didn't need it so we are now it's proud owners.
Waiting for them to be as thick as pencils but they are getting there.
Our lasses busy green house
Courgette and pumpkin, mark2
Finally sun and no wind, just as we finished for the day.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Day 57 - Allotmenteering is much like playing golf.

 Now before you get your five iron and see how far you can launch your brussels just read me out. For the past few months we have been preparing the allotment for the growing season ahead, trying our best to add goodness to the ground, setting out the beds for the crops we wish to grow, making a plan on cardboard boxes as to where things will grow. Now the time is almost upon us, we constantly have the thoughts of will everything grow, have we got too much of one produce, is another going to be ready in time, how come other allotments have this done now and how come others seem to have nothing done at all, are we too early are we too late. Questions rattling through our heads and most of all will it all work out. Now a golfer must go through the same, lots of practise before the competition, then get to the course and over four days having to play as well as possible against the conditions which will be unfamiliar to them and comparing themselves to others playing around them.

We can only affect what we can do, it is in itself enjoyable to be down the allotment, so even if nothing grew, it would be very annoying, but me and our lass would have shared sunny days. There will be miss haps, there will be golf balls in the lake moments, every grower has something which won't germinate, get eaten, or simply doesn't grow as it should, but we will have chip ins from the bunker moments as well.

You might tell that I watched the golf last night after being down the allotment with our lass.

Our Lasses greenhouse is almost full, mine is almost full as well, the next lot of potatoes are in the ground, four varieties in two more to go how will it all do, well only the future can tell. But it is a future we can look forward to.

Our lass trying to make use of every bit of shelving
Our lass who always knows better, really did need the shelving I made her.
All in place, now hope it all grows.

Two more beds of potatoes in Cara and Kestrel
The daffodils are almost in flower.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Day 56 - It is time to celebrate - Spring

Today was a day to celebrate, firstly it was our lasses birthday which was greeted by sunshine and warmth when the breeze died down. Obviously I will take credit for making sure we got some sun today. Secondly, we have crossed the threshold of longer days than nights which means the growing season will be with us before we know it with somethings already growing.

A sunny view out over the allotment
The first of many empty bottles to be found down our allotment this year.
Tomatoes are taking root, onions starting to have shoots, peas starting to grow upwards and first level of compost added to the potatoes, just awaiting pumpkin and courgette seeds to germinate
Our lasses Carol Klein impression, tidying up the pots with grit,
Year one for the Rhubarb, which is a shame as no Rhubarb crumble this year, but where we thought we may have lost one, all three are starting to grow good leaves.
Another two sets of furrows await their potatoes, it will be plan B though as the ground is still very clayey so we will be covering with homemade compost in the coming months.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Day 55 - Making teepeas and counting crows.

We may have mentioned before that you go to the allotment with one job in mind and end up doing something else, as I keep saying to our lass though, I don't have plans just thoughts. Todays thoughts was to sort the compost as it was quite moist. Our lass had a great idea of adding the dried up lavender we had from home to the compost, it was a win win, the bed in front of the house is now clear and we have some dry material for the compost. So this was the plan of action for the day.

But this morning whilst sorting the bin full off lavender cuttings to put in the back of the car, I noticed the branches from some trees we had cut down and thought they would be useful. The thoughts then just kept on rolling, whilst the peas had been safe from the mice in their compostable pots, they were not growing well as the pots were not deep enough for the roots. Peas also don't like being moved, much the same as I have done with the tomatoes the other day making sure of as few a moves as possible I am trying to do the same with the peas and have direct sown the peas into the bed. We will see in the coming days if the mice have loved our idea as well. Whilst sowing the peas there was a great gathering of crows assembling in the large oak tree at the back of the allotment, our lass gave commentary "Oh look he is planting the peas we will come for them" It really did give the impression of word was going out amongst the wildlife.

Our lass as always was busy and you will see from the photograph below that the final bed is being prepared, the ground is quite clayey and water logged. So our lass had been busy mixing compost and grit to enrich the soil for more produce to be sown. Now we have to find what will go there, as we do have a plan, but as with all plans they are changeable.

Been a while since I have taken a photograph from the front of the allotment. Just weeks away from take off into Spring.
Our lasses freshly prepared bed, the planks have been really useful for dividing and walkways

Not its best angle, but hopefully will do its job, tin cans to scare the birds or will give the mice a toy to play with.
Compost looking the right colour just needs to be a little less moist.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Day 54 - For our babies

 I am aware that the Simply Red song is "For your babies" but this is our allotment and these are our babies. It was something our lass said as we were leaving last night from the allotment "night, night babies". Which got me to thinking, 1) How much I love our lass and how much she cares about everything 2) What we are growing does receive emotional investment into them. Much like babies.

"I don't believe in many things but in you, I do." is another line from the song, and although maybe I give our lass good reason to find this difficult to believe I do believe in her and her ways. This is even when I might seem as though I am off marathon running in my head.

Yesterday was a pottering day, our lass was potting out more of the lettuces, giving them their own space

Our Top Tip, (top tip number #1 is always take lots of photographs.) But another top tip is it may well say on the seed packet that you can sow direct into the ground then thin them out. But in all honesty are you ever going to do that? You then have the struggle of sifting weeds from seeds, unless you have a really keen eye or knowledge of every weed vs seed leaf shape it is all a great faff. Last year our lass didn't have a green house, we didn't have a lot of room, so directly sowed into a drill. The lettuces came through, but so did the weeds, they were lots of lettuces close together. So they then bunched up and started to rot, it is all a lot simpler, if you can sow them into a tray, then prick out. You can put them into pots as our lass has done, or wait until they are bigger and plant them individually. But, I would suggest keep away from just sowing in to drills.

Our lass has also been busy sowing flowers seeds around the allotment, now with these it is okay to sow freely as we do just want them to flower where they are going to land. The main focus will be, will they grow and what will it all look like. I am forever the optimist and I am sure it will all look grand.

My two little jobs were planting the tomato plants in between the onions in their final growing space. I know folks keep potting on and on, but to me, like ourselves if you are comfy and laying down roots, surely you don't want uplifting and being unsettled every few weeks. So one move from small plug to bigger tub for those that germinated and now a move to the final growing place. The green house has warmed up so I think it might just be about time, I do have some in reserve in case this all goes wrong. Job number two was knocking together a stool, we will see how long it lasts with my weight upon it.

These are very lucky lettuces as they have a pot all to themselves.
A stool, it is as safe as it looks.
First of the tomatoes planted, and it may look like a seen from the Wild West where they are being hung for their crimes, but the string is there to support them in the future.

View of the other two tomatoes from a seated position.
Could be argued one of our favourite parts of the allotment. break time.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Day 53 - Warmer, warmer, nearly there.

Patience is a virtue they say and having just tried to google how many virtues and what were the other virtues it seems there is as many answers about virtue/virtues as there is when you want to know how to plant something down the allotment. But our patience may soon be rewarded if todays sunshine is anything to go by, in between the occasional cloud we were bathed in warming rays of sun.

Our lass is busy with the seedlings, lots more to be sown but the first lettuces have been potted on as you will see below. It is a blessing to have the room to prick on unlike last year when our lass just did one long row in the ground. I am sure we will run out of room soon enough but it will be good fun filling the spaces with all the flowers and vegetables. We also have more seed trays washed and ready to be used.

Today was a watering day in my green house and after a bit of pottering made a table for our lass, lessons learnt from the bench, the legs didn't fall off this time when lifted and although not rock steady it did take our lass sitting on it. It was considered unwise for me to stress test the table.

The lettuces final home, I would say they were socially distanced enough to grow well.
Just one side of our lasses busy seedling production line
T'other side starting to fill up as well

A table to go with our bench

Friday, March 12, 2021

Day 52 - Ha pea anniversary

 Today we celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary and where else would we be but down the allotment. Shame about the wind but at least we got some blue skies and sunshine. For a brief time the greenhouse hit the heady heights of twenty five degrees.

Not a lot is happening on the outside so we are concentrating on the inside. The five peas which have germinated have been transferred to a bucket and a plant pot my wife decorated for my present. Our lass did some tidying and I cleared the way to see if a couple of the tomato plants could make their way down to the green house.

When we got married nine years ago, I was sat outside our holiday cottage in shorts at 7am in the morning, today we needed thermals. So much for global warming.

I filled the pot with a pea, lets hope it is as ha pea as me for getting this gift.

The alliums are coming along nicely, and maybe just maybe we might get a daffodil burst into flower, we are also slowly working our way through the wood.
A magpie was trying to nibble the strawberries so our lass got creative with these tin cans.
Peas for the green house, hope the mice don't find them.

A balmy 25 degrees, can't wait for this to be the temperature in the outdoors.