Showing posts with label Wildlife Camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wildlife Camera. Show all posts

Friday, March 12, 2021

Squirrel caught on the wildlife camera down the allotment

 It can be a pain trying to transfer photographs from one medium to another, so where as I would normally put the photograph directly onto the blog it was easier to embed the tweet, also the photographs expand larger from the tweet than they do on here.

Anyway, enough of my waffle, here is the squirrel, we had a few days earlier seen it leaping from branch to branch, rattling the whole undergrowth as it bounded along. But now we have it captured on film.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Day 47 - We gotta have faith, faith, faith.

One thing our lass has been able to slowly but surely instil in me is a modicum of faith in myself. Yesterday a bench, today some planters from old tongue and groove. Before I would never have had the self belief but with the help of our lass, who knows what I could build next.

This faith, is also faith in that everything is going to grow. Our lass is currently disheartened by the performance of germinating seeds, currently around three have germinated in a whole tray, the argument seems to be, "Why not just go and buy the plants?" Which to be honest the same could be said about the fruit and vegetables we are growing. This could never be classed as a money saving exercise, but as a certain credit card would suggest "Some things are priceless".
Our lass potted on some lavender cuttings and in the Carol Klein style of gardening covered them in grit.
Three new planters for the front of the allotment, if anyone decides to nick them they are in for a surprise, as they have no bottoms....
Todays new work bench, the top of the compost bin.
Camera on a stick, see how the angle change affects the photographs
Onion bed being prepared
all the tubs ready and filled in the green house, just the buckets for the peppers.

Bench made safe by securing it to the flower bed

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Day 42 - Hoe di Hoe

The lord giveth the mice taketh away, I had only a few days ago put some pea seeds out in a drain pipe, and on opening the greenhouse today found everyone had been snaffled away. Plan B for the peas now, start them at home and bring them later onto the allotment.

Today was a day of potter, our lass hoed one half of the allotment, and between us we set out the scaffold boards so we had walkways and beds set out. It really does help bring forward that the season is almost upon us and it helps to bring into reality what you have thought out as ideas. Just can't wait to actually grow stuff now.

Our lass bakes some great biscuits
Hoed and ready to go
Almost ready, and yes you do really need to stake the corners in of the bed.

Wildlife camera had been out for three days, and it's always great to capture any birds in flight

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

View from the garden shed.

 Just about all the jobs are jobbed, Well I say that, but we do need to sort the green house roof, but we will do that when there is some good weather.... We do however nip down to check everything is in it's place and also ensure the wildlife is being looked after. For the moment I am resting the wildlife camera, as it seems to get steamed up in the cold, damp conditions. It doesn't however mean we don't get wildlife shots. The Photographs below were taking with my mobile phone but is a typical view from the garden shed window when the birds come for their feast.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Wildlife camera catches better photographs of the local weasel

 Previously all we had was a very quick glimpse from the rear of our local weasel, but in our last set of photographs we took from the camera, we have some much better side on shots, to confirm that we do have a resident weasel.

First photograph from earlier in the month

Monday, November 23, 2020

New photographs from the wildlife camera

 Who would think such a small area would generate the interest it does from the wildlife around us.

But the camera has been busy, even in the winter time, mostly all your standard birds such as blackbirds and tits, magpies and robins. But we have caught a few others passing by.

A great spotted woodpecker which was a favourite of our lass, and a male chaffinch, but the yellow flashing on the wings threw us as all the photographs we had seen, showed white flashing.

Always interesting to see what is passing by the allotment.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Wildlife camera in a new position

 Trying different positions for the wildlife camera to see where best to place it. I had cleared a bit of grass from in front of this particular position, but it seems not enough as the majority of the photographs captured seem to be triggered by the wind moving through the grass. Also it was too far from the subject matter, as a lot of animals gather around the pond this seemed to far away. 

The best capture though was bird in mid flight with wings fully extended, so although out of the 300 plus photographs captured that in itself made it worth while, the only other highlight, was the back of a thrush.

Better luck next time.

A bird in flight, loving the wing extension.

Made a change from the blackbirds, A thrush

Monday, November 9, 2020

Now you see them, now you don't, quick creatures caught on our wildlife camera

 Our first Weasel, Our camera has been triggered a few times, but nothing in shot. We did have one night shot, but all we glimpsed was the back end and a tail. It didn't look like a rat much like this didn't. Obviously a full frontal would have been better, but after our lass searching google images, and a question on a gardening forum, we are 95% sure it is a weasel. As you can see from frame 64 to 65 which were both captured in the same second, it is a case of I am here, now I am gone. One fast Weasel.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

First set of photographs from the wildlife camera

I had wondered if it was going to work at all, but we have some interesting results, it needs to be fine tuned regards positioning and set up, but we will get there. We do have hedgehogs, which is pleasing for me and our lass. We have an unidentified animal, because the night sight was too bright and to finish we caught the photograph of the flying bin lid in the high winds we have just had.

Camera in position

Bottom right, seems to short a tail for a rat, could it be a mouse.

A hedgehog

A black cat, then what else do you expect around Halloween

A bin lid in flight.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 24 - Setting up the wildlife camera, and simply going for a cuppa.

A light news day, well our lass has now retired, which has made me happy but not as happy as our lass, but that is another story. Below is a video of hedgehogs which visited  our garden earlier in the year and hopefully we can capture a glimpse into the wildlife poking around the allotment.

Our lass put a protective sheet on the new potting table

We set up the camera, here is hoping it works.

View from the shed