Showing posts with label Day 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day 1. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Jobs done on day 1

Our lass is a tour de force when it comes to digging, and all I ever seemed to want to do is clean up, so it is no wonder that the first photograph of before and after, is of two beds our lass has dug over, to try and attack the bind weed, and me having swept up the slate, which for some reason is randomanly scattered on the path way.

Day 1 Our new full size allowment

This will always be the most important moment, and you will need it for the future, when you are trying to compare, to see was all your effort worth it? This really helps in any down moments or to lift the up moments further, so you can see just how far you have travelled on your allotment journey. We gave the allotment the nickname of the "Crime Scene" due to lots and lots of yellow tape everywhere.