Showing posts with label Photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photographs. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2020

New photographs from the wildlife camera

 Who would think such a small area would generate the interest it does from the wildlife around us.

But the camera has been busy, even in the winter time, mostly all your standard birds such as blackbirds and tits, magpies and robins. But we have caught a few others passing by.

A great spotted woodpecker which was a favourite of our lass, and a male chaffinch, but the yellow flashing on the wings threw us as all the photographs we had seen, showed white flashing.

Always interesting to see what is passing by the allotment.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day 3 at the allotment,

Day 3 sees our lass complete the digging for my potato patch and we starting to fill in some of the holes in the shed, It is a far superior shed to the one we had before, but it needed sorting. Also day 3 was rainy, If I remember correctly, I was moving stuff from our old half plot up the hill to the new allotment.

 And then the rains really came down

Day 2 down at the allotment.

Our lasses digging knows no bounds as more bind weed is taken up, it was something our lass wanted to get on top of before it got out of control. You will see in the second photograph where the path has gone to from the third photograph, we also inherited a couple of apple trees and lots, and lots, and lots, and did I mention lots of carpet.


Jobs done on day 1

Our lass is a tour de force when it comes to digging, and all I ever seemed to want to do is clean up, so it is no wonder that the first photograph of before and after, is of two beds our lass has dug over, to try and attack the bind weed, and me having swept up the slate, which for some reason is randomanly scattered on the path way.

Day 1 Our new full size allowment

This will always be the most important moment, and you will need it for the future, when you are trying to compare, to see was all your effort worth it? This really helps in any down moments or to lift the up moments further, so you can see just how far you have travelled on your allotment journey. We gave the allotment the nickname of the "Crime Scene" due to lots and lots of yellow tape everywhere.

Our first half plot

When we first got the plot we didn't do what we would suggest anyone should do as your very first job, which is take lots of photos, you simply can not take too many photographs, this is lessoned learned for when we moved to the full plot. So out of the few photographs taken the two below are the best examples. One of how we first started with the plot, and even then we had already done some digging, quite a crime in a "No dig" plot, but the soil was like concrete, so how on earth we could have done any other is beyond us. The second photograph is with the half all dug, and seeds, veg planted. Memories of the shed you couldn't stand up in, are still remembered by the old bruises on our heads. When ever it rained it was one in, one in the door holding the umbrella. Our lass was the one holding the umbrella.