Showing posts with label Our Allotment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Allotment. Show all posts

Monday, June 14, 2021

A day for collecting our bounty down the allotment

 Quite a few times when we have been going down to the allotment our first sightings of change is the remains of a leaf stork to flowers or a sudden appearance of weeds. So yesterdays findings were a pleasant surprise, the glimmering rubies nestled in the straw under cover of emerald leaves. We did expect on closer inspection to find the signs of perfection on the outer most view and the signs of slugs when you turned them over, but there was very little slug activity.

Our lass picked the strawberries and although from the photograph below you might think a punnet not bad, this out strips our returns from the whole of last season and hopefully is a good sign of things to come considering all the nurturing our lass has given the plants. Transporting all the runners from our old plot, weeding and now straw bedding with netting protection. Our rewards will be at least many fold the effort put in.

The only thing lacking was cream and as it was shops shut Sunday, I was a heathen and had them with custard, our lass will wait for some cream that we will buy today.

New potatoes that we had for tea from the bed above, our lass has now added chicken manure dug it over and transplanted the last of the cauliflower seedlings. Photographs to come. The new potatoes should just have been ready in 60 days, these were sown back on the 14th March and so have had nearly 90 days, also a lot of the soil was still very clayey it is going to take some time to get the soil as we want it. Free of detritus would be a start as we continual keep finding bits of glass and nails. One day the soil will be just right and that shouldn't be too far away.

Our break time view of the alliums in full flower attracting more than their fair share of hover flies.

More colour and hopefully by hanging them high they will be out of the way of the slugs.

As we say good night to the allotment we take a look back at the current growth we have, our next agenda is to get more flowers in for our is all far too green we need a bit of colour in our life.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Plenty of sunshine, plenty to report, still cold at night.

Recently there has been a lot of sunshine, it has been strong enough to bring on the sun tans but not enough to push the thermometer outside the green house above 16 degrees. Inside the greenhouse it has been able to reach 45 degrees and thanks to very good advice from our lass we have some greenhouse shading material arriving next week but it has all been contrasts as in the evening we have been greeted by frosts and minus 3 degrees. Makes for a very confusing balancing act to keep all the plants happy.

Can not sustain such high numbers.
Far too hot in the greenhouses to sustain the lettuce

Our lass is always good at finding a bargain and upcycling things around us. On a lone trip to the allotment our lass completed a project of surrounding an inconvenient tree stump with milk bottle plant pots, should look even better when the flowers grow from them.

Just like winter currently bare will look even better in summer when in flower.

Another great find from our lass on FaceAche, you can't beat free
Two iron gates, quite some weight to them, will be very useful

A little early but the runner beans have been sown
Will any of the leeks make their way out of the holes?

Slugs like rhubarb as much as we do, but this is the rhubarbs first year so needs as much chance as possible to get a foothold. So our lass has a cunning plan to help it survive, so far so good.

As we have been leaving the allotment we have been finding some great allotment giveaways, firstly a couple of tubs, mostly likely not wanted due to the half an hour plus it took us both to part them, but once done we now have one for beans and one for carrots. So we didn't fill it all with compost, we filled to the top with straw and horse muck from the pile at the bottom of the hill and watered down, then just used one bag of compost instead of five. French beans sown and as the straw/manure rots down hopefully a source of nourishment as well.

Trying to fill every bit of space.

Another find as we were leaving moment was the logs and off cuts you will see below, this is the second time a pile had been left, before we were naive enough to think they would be still there the next day, obviously they were not. This time even though it was a trek back up the hill for the barrow, back down the hill, and back up the hill with a full barrow, we now have stepping stones and seats for the grandkids.
Nice little haul
and finally 

As we were leaving the other day, to look back and see the clear blue sky and to take in all the feeling of potential

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Day 55 - Making teepeas and counting crows.

We may have mentioned before that you go to the allotment with one job in mind and end up doing something else, as I keep saying to our lass though, I don't have plans just thoughts. Todays thoughts was to sort the compost as it was quite moist. Our lass had a great idea of adding the dried up lavender we had from home to the compost, it was a win win, the bed in front of the house is now clear and we have some dry material for the compost. So this was the plan of action for the day.

But this morning whilst sorting the bin full off lavender cuttings to put in the back of the car, I noticed the branches from some trees we had cut down and thought they would be useful. The thoughts then just kept on rolling, whilst the peas had been safe from the mice in their compostable pots, they were not growing well as the pots were not deep enough for the roots. Peas also don't like being moved, much the same as I have done with the tomatoes the other day making sure of as few a moves as possible I am trying to do the same with the peas and have direct sown the peas into the bed. We will see in the coming days if the mice have loved our idea as well. Whilst sowing the peas there was a great gathering of crows assembling in the large oak tree at the back of the allotment, our lass gave commentary "Oh look he is planting the peas we will come for them" It really did give the impression of word was going out amongst the wildlife.

Our lass as always was busy and you will see from the photograph below that the final bed is being prepared, the ground is quite clayey and water logged. So our lass had been busy mixing compost and grit to enrich the soil for more produce to be sown. Now we have to find what will go there, as we do have a plan, but as with all plans they are changeable.

Been a while since I have taken a photograph from the front of the allotment. Just weeks away from take off into Spring.
Our lasses freshly prepared bed, the planks have been really useful for dividing and walkways

Not its best angle, but hopefully will do its job, tin cans to scare the birds or will give the mice a toy to play with.
Compost looking the right colour just needs to be a little less moist.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day 13 Carpet clearance day

After a very busy day 12, we returned to light but still significant news. It was carpet clearance day, now I do have photographic proof, but that photograph has our number plate on it, so as I don't have the skills to blur the photograph, you will just have to imagine a car filled with carpet, it has been one of several trips made to the tip, and we still have quite a bit more to go. I did however take the photograph of down the allotment. So another before and after is due.

Welcome to our new allotment blog

 This new blog, is a way of keeping a diary of our progress down t'allotment, we (we, being me and our lass, and our lass is the driving force) In lockdown April 2020 we got our first ever plot on an allotment site, A generous half as described by the bloke who showed us around. We have since moved onto a full plot of our own, and over the next few blog posts we will get you up to date, and ready for our first full growing season in 2021.