Showing posts with label Views from the allotment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Views from the allotment. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2021

You are dealing a lot with time travel when you have an allotment.

 Who is to say there is a month between posts or that I had written this a month ago and this has appeared now? Well this sort of reasoning is similar to when I say to our lass that I didn't hear her when there are two sounds at the same time as they cancel each other out.

I am sure I have written about this before, but you are forever time travelling when you have an allotment. You are either looking back and comparing with how something used to be or just how much something has grown or like now, even though we are only midway through July, we are looking forward and making plans for next year and the consideration of crop rotation, what worked or didn't and simply at its highest priority grow more of what we liked this year or was missing from this year.

Here is a quick review of the last month.

The Strawberries as you can see were plentiful, at least ten punnets or more this size, quite a few shared out and just as many enjoyed, our first year strawberries did fantastic.

Our lass found another bargain "Tenner lady" not for any other reason than she cost a tenner.

We have had some great days weather wise and the view is very muchly enjoyed considering the world we find ourselves in at the moment.



and more flowers. Our lasses initial troubles with getting the darn things to grow have now come to fruition or should that be flowertion. Our lass will be doing things differently next year but it has all helped to learn what does or does not work or what you want to do or not do.

Just some of our onions drying, and it should not be long before the tomatoes ripen.

A woodpecker caught on the wildlife camera, wish I could just get the perfectly clear shot. Just a little too close.

and finally....

Every shed needs a little bit of lace curtain don't you think?

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

When it snows little grows

 We had a walk down to the allotment today, our lass to feed the birds me and our lass to feed our soul, I made our lass laugh to the point she dirtied her glasses, can't share the joke, but we had a great few hours. Another excuse for a cuppa, a ponder and a thoughtful talk

A layer of snow greets us

Foot prints on the pond

I liked the way our lass described the snow slipping off the greenhouse roof as tumbling sheets

Whilst having our brew the snow came back, wish my camera would take the same shots our eyes could see.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

View from the allotment and the turn of the compost.


Whilst standing at the compost bins I turned around to get a view of the allotment from another angle which I haven't really taken in before. Loving the big skies and the ability to see further than we are probably allowed to travel.
Time of the month to turn the compost.
Looking good, needs to break down more, but it's well on its way.
All done, this time around I think I might leave it for 2 months, as February is a short month and give it good two solid months to do its thing without me disturbing it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas down the allotment.

Our lass is full of great ideas, and said we could make a Christmas tree from some off cuts of wood, so we did. We also saw the first signs of re emergence from the rhubarb, and the tomato experiment had another casualty. To complete the festivities our lass brought down some snowflakes she had made. The idea was thanks to ikea I think, but our lass made them better.

Just needs some baubles and a topper,

Snow flakes over a cuppa

The first signs of new life from our rhubarb

We are down to 5 seedlings and the frosts haven't really hit yet, the one bottom right is my best bet I think but we will see.

Gateway to our happy place

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Day 35 - Fire, mulch and sunny views.

 As with a lot of the times we go to the allotment, we go with one job in mind and end up doing another.

I took this first photograph thinking all this would be covered in mulch

But to my surprise our lass let me play with fire, I love fire, our lass doesn't like the smell of smoke, but it helped clear some old wood and stuff which needed burning.

I then went for the leaf mould, I collected our lass did the spreading.

You don't see the elevation on this road way, but the leaves were right into the distance where the telegraph pole is.
Then another lane, then left up another hill, our lass will be laughing now, saying how I am really laying it on thick. but it must be at least three miles there and back (okay maybe half a mile)

The grey cylinders made a good template to keep the leaves off the rhubarb.

Hopefully that will keep the weeds away and the goodness in,

Four bins full of leaf mould, paving slabs moved, box full of nets and hose pipe, just the two tubs to sort and this area is getting sorted.

Another bed mulched

Big oak at the back of us, gives us shade in the summer mornings so we don't heat up to quickly. It was great to see some blue skies and sunshine.
Views from our allotment, over the tees valley.

Sunshine over the greenhouses
A late stay, meant we got to try the light out., photograph doesn't quite do it justice.